This is the largest size hoop in our Petite Bouquet collection.
Petite blooms
PLEASE NOTE: This is a digital download for just 1 design in this collection. The Better value Bundle can be purchased on our PDF page.
In this printable you get the pattern to trace and a colour guide along with written instructions and images of the design.
To make this design you will need fabric, an embroidery removable marker pen, 6 inch embroidery hoop and threads of your choice.
Customers may choose to download the document but only print out the essential pattern elements to trace and keep the rest of the document stored on an iPad or computer.
We have created a thread bundle pack which is available on the haberdashery page of our shop, this contains all the colours we have used for this design and is available to purchase for your project along with our range of quality embroidery hoops, just head to our main menu to find these items to add to your basket.
(Due to this being a digital download this product is non refundable)